A Website from scratch is a custom designed and hand-coded website. So making a website from scratch is simply means that the site is meticulously constructed according to the clients’ needs, and their specific business requirements.

Websites have become more than just simple marketing tools for businesses. Nowadays, people can use them for virtually anything, ranging from socializing and meeting friends to passing information, trading, teaching and many more. There are various website builders, that could be used to create simple up and running websites. However, those web builders have their shortcomings and present many disadvantages. That is the reason why hand-coding or developing a website from scratch, (CMS based) is strongly recommended to business owners or professionals who are looking to build outstanding ones for their business or themselves.


  • The website gets its own unique custom UI\UX design and code (which can increase sales significantly).

  • No ads will clutter the site.

  • The site comes with its own unique domain name (which will positively affect the growth of your brand).

  • The website will be optimized for search engines, which will speed up page loading.

  • The site can easily be tweaked to reap the benefits of SEO.


Development services

Website programming languages fall into two main categories, namely Frontend and Backend. 

Frontend Technologies:

Create a website from scratch

  • This language is used to format web pages and organize elements on a web page. It is made up of opening and closing tags that each has a specific task. For example, the title tag is used to write the web page’s title in the address bar.

  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • JavaScript (JS)
  • React.JS
  • Backend technologies:

    Backend can be written in many different languages including Node.JS, Python, Ruby, PHP and Java but We usually use JavaScript (Node.js) in the backend as well as frontend. We also have experience in using SQL and noSQL databases such as: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MangoDB, Redis and … .